Real Story Behind the TikTok Trend Ciusism Meaning!

The new trending word ‘ciusism’ has confused many TikTok users! The term has been circulating on TikTok, but no one understands what it means or what it is. Those inputting the term ‘ciusism’ overwhelmed the comment areas, leaving many creators confused and upset with the comments. Some were even disturbed by the virality of the useless word. This isn’t the first time a random word or hashtag has trended on TikTok. So, now we’ll explore the real story behind the TikTok trending “ciusism meaning” through this post.

What is Ciusism Meaning?

Actually, there is no ciusism meaning available in any dictionary. Hence, the term ‘Ciusism’ has no meaning; it was randomly selected by TikTok @gadonkoze and distributed to users. She said it was an experiment and wanted her fans to respond to the term in the following video they saw. She also made it clear that the term should not be explained.

Who is Gadonkoze? 

The creator of the word ‘Ciusism,’ @gadonkoze, comes from the black community. She is an independent artist of Afro-Surrealism and Afro-Futurism.  Also, she has over 561.5K followers on TikTok. Moreover, she followed 463 people on TikTok. Along with it, she got 11.6M likes on her account. ‘Ciusism’ is simply an experiment to test how far a random term may fly on the internet before people realize it is a fad. She created the term in her attempt to build an internet religion.

ciusism meaning

Religion is based on the basic idea of “minding one’s own business.” According to TikToker @gadonkoze, frequent usage of the #notacult hashtag, “ciusism” is sarcastic and mocking.

As the inventor of ciusism, she frequently assumes the character of a guru while doing things that a guru would probably never do, such as constructing a mockup of herself as a goddess to the tune of Cardi B’s “WAP.”

What was the Internet’s Reaction to the ‘Ciusism’ Trend?

The internet has been looking for the definition of Ciusism for the past few days. Many individuals have searched the internet for its implications but have been frustrated by the lack of a solid explanation. When you search for ‘Ciusism,’ popular search engines like Google and Bing frequently recommend related phrases. So, the term ‘Cicusim’ has been defined on the internet with considerable success. Several websites have associated the term with positivism and self-care.

ciusism meaning

According to the inventor of the term “ciusism,” it is a way of life for people. Ciusism is a religion founded on the revolutionary yet simple idea of minding one’s own business and not interfering with the affairs of others. So, given the recent ‘ciusism’ fad, we may infer that TikTok is a powerful instrument for establishing trends, as words without meaning can go so far on the internet.

Why This Term Became Controversial?

Not everyone appreciated receiving lots of “ciusism” responses with no explanation. Several creators who are sensitive to abuse mistook the word for a threat and banned it. There is the good news is that the word is harmless. It’s simply funny.


In short, the term ‘Ciusism’ has no meaning. Instead, it was randomly selected by TikToker @gadonkoze and distributed to users. Moreover, she also clearly mentioned that the term should not be explained. So many people have confused about this word. Anyhow, it is used randomly just for fun.


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